Sunday, January 24, 2010


Last week we started studying Solids and Shapes. First we looked at solid figures. These are 3-dimensional (3-D) figures that have length, width and height. In other words, they take up space.
image from

Some common solid figures are spheres, cones, cubes, pyramids, cylinders and rectangular prisms.

The students also discovered that shapes can be used to describe some of the characteristics of some solid figures. For example, we learned that a rectangular prism has faces that are in the shapes of rectangles and squares. We learned that the flat surfaces of solid figures are called faces. When two faces meet they form a corner know
n as an edge. And th
e point where three or more edges meet is called a vertex.

image from

We also investigated polygons.

Polygons are 2 dimensional figures that are made up of just line segments and are also closed.

This is a polygon, it is made of only line segments

and is a closed figure.

This is not a polygon. It is made up of both line segments

and a curved piece.

This is not a polygon. Even though it is made of only line segments, it is not a closed figure.

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